Living the Virtual World

“Reality is an illusion that occurs due to lack of alcohol.” – Anonymous

Plato the great philosopher of all time once coined that the reality that we know, the world that we lived in is full of unevenness, imperfections, and impurities. These were all the effects of copying from the ‘real’ world that is beyond us. Some argued, Plato was referring to the state of nirvana, a heavenly place co-existing with our present world which offers nothing but perfections. The way to reach that ideal world can be achieved only once we leave our physical bodies and become the living souls. This is the popular belief that’s been instilled into the hearts and minds of the believers and followers of this philosophy.
                                                                                                                                        Judging by this argument, I, therefore, concur that I am only an introvert caused by an erroneous copying of the exact ‘me’ in the opposite realm, a realm that speaks without any traces of impurities and/or imperfections. My ideal self could be bursting with confidence every day, flexing muscle groups more so often, and speaking with a lower registered voice that is enough to melt a woman’s heart. I am most likely "the Johnny Bravo" over there, irritatingly irresistible. This somehow, is starting to sound more like a confusing theory. Oh well, moving on…

Back to our so-called reality, I wear my introvert personality around my neck like a scarf. I hold a certain love and hate relationship with it just like this thing. There are times when it is nice and warm yet at the same time, it kinda feels like it’s tight around the neck and limits the things that I can or want to do. Last weekend, I called up my good ole friend to hang out at a bar and restaurant in the city. It’s been awhile since we did this thing together. He would usually offer to shoulder the expenses especially at times when I was in between jobs. That night, however, the treat was on me J.

So off we went looking for some great promos on beers and things on the menu until we finally decided to settle into one well-known restaurant here, and most probably to some parts of the world as well. Ok, here’s a little trivia, this bar and restaurant is the famous H_ _ _ _ _S. I’m just a little hesitant at first because they don’t really advertise that much ‘happy hours’ promo instead they have this time limited offer, in which we certainly missed out already when we arrived. Nonetheless, we took a table and ordered our beers and nacho tacos. The restaurant, like most other establishments there, was built beside the river and at night, the heat that was trapped during the day were released to the atmosphere giving this humid feeling around the place. This, plus the mix of noises and sounds from the adjacent bars and restaurants would in general, painted the night with fun and excitement. That is, after the magic really began…

Minutes later to drinking beer, my senses began a chain of reaction. I am talking and laughing out loud than usual. I am digging the energy that is in the place, the music, the noise, the singing, the sounds and the humidity—all contributing to an exhilarating mood that I am feeling. I fancy ‘the Johnny Bravo’ that is in me is struggling to come out. My introverted self is slowly disappearing and getting drowned by these unexplained rush of emotions. "I must be at the crossings of the ‘virtual’ and of the ‘real’ world now", I debated. I can feel a different kind of confidence and a certain lightness in the head.

Then it hits me, I guess, after all, the solution to discovering the path to the real world does not rely on dying alone, but rather, the other secret lies at the bottom of every bottle of beer. Indeed, there must be truth to the quote at the top of this article. Reality is all but an illusion in the absence of alcohol.

Thus, it doesn’t take a genius to discuss the mystical attributes that every bottle of beer or spirits has. It is called “spirits” for nothing, don’t you think? Things do slowly are making sense to me now, why most would equate beers and spirits as “being in heaven” after taking them to some extent. But of course, some went to extremes and became alcoholics for reasons that are obviously addictive at being in a state of nirvana.
Moderation is still preferred, after all, I don’t want to spoil the surprises when it’s finally my time to leave this virtual world.

My friend and I stayed there for a few more hours, just enjoying our time and did some catching-up, those tacos are scrumptious by the way, I just don't like it when the nacho chips starts to lose its crunchiness, which happens most of the time. We left the place feeling satisfied. Another night, another well spent, relaxing time and a new experience added to memory. And yes, back to this distorted world of ours.

Take this article of mine as a pun on life’s realities through my introverted eyes while holding a bottle of beer. 


Till next time! J



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